io hardware specification (rev. 0.0.1 beta)
Everything is included below except the humyn performer, the audience, electrical
wires, electrons and air. Note the deliberate lack of aesthetics in the
specification—aesthetic flux would clog up io’s internal
tubing ;-)
Input sensor to capture information from the humyn performer (represented here by a microphone).
MIDI input device (e.g. pitch-to-MIDI convertor).
See: Portrait 6.
MIDI-serial adaptor.
Macintosh computer running
C-ALTO Labs’s
io 0.0.1 beta software.
See: Portrait 6 and
MIDI output device (Yamaha
VL70m synthesizer).
See: Portrait 6.
Stereo audio power amplifier.
C-ALTO Lab’s io speaker system
See: Portraits 2,
4 and