this is an archive of the old site. a new site is in progress!
Here are some other words: Interdependence, symbiosis, community, alliance, partnership.

Many actors (humyn and non-humyn) have contributed to the efforts and activities of the io enterprise. We acknowledge some of them below. However, since having an audience is an important requirement to the functioning of the io_trio and io enterprise, a big thank you goes to any and all of you who might have been listening in on one of our gigs. Those interested in coming to one of our future gigs, check out the performance diary

"About..." box

become a friend of io

The io enterprise is in consultation to launch a friends of io scheme. We anticipate that the scheme will become available in soon. As a friend of io, you will be supporting the ongoing research and development of a fun and friendly musical actor.

If you are interested, please contact us and we will notify you when details become available.


We imagine that if io could want, or feel gratitude, it would want to thank the following people (listed by alphabetical order of the penultimate letter of the first name) for its existence: Han, Murray, Nick, Jean-Claude, Mel, Joel, Leo, Peter, Peter, Nic, David, Phil, Gabriele, Jos, Willow, Sara, Mark, Pedro, Jesse, Paul, the nice people at the Do It Center, the knuckle-heads at Radio Shack, and the engineers in lab coats at Yamaha and Roland.

But io can’t want, or want to thank anyone.

Software component of io written in HMSL created by Phil Burk, Larry Polansky and David Rosenboom.

Site navigation bar graphic created from images of Io (the Gallilean one) taken by the Voyager spacecraft, courtesy of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. More images are available from NASA’s Planetary Photojournal. If you’re curious to see what a simulated Io looks like, you can try out the Solar System Simulator provided by JPL.

mp3 audio files encoded using Petteri Kamppuri’s Macintosh port of Tord Jansson’s BladeEnc. PDF files created using James W. Walker’s shareware PrintToPDF.

I have heard the light Valid HTML 4.01 Transitional Valid CSS! Let iCab smile